How does Oak Crest Private School achieve 100% mastery of the subjects taught?
Oak Crest Private School focuses on having students achieve full mastery of all subjects taught.
At the end of any segment of work that students participate in, whether this is a math chapter, a reading book or a science or geography course, they receive a test. If they miss any questions or parts of questions, they receive individual tutoring or assignments to help them with the area of difficulty.
Once this is sorted out, the children are tested again on the material they had missed on the first exam. Only when they can show that they now understand and can apply it fully is the course considered complete. In this way, students are never left with uncertainties that can trip them up later in their education.
Does Oak Crest Private School give students grades?
Due to our thorough approach to learning, Oak Crest Private School does not issue grades, since all children ultimately pass the course with full understanding.
Does Oak Crest Private School issue progress reports?
Parents receive regular progress reports. These show the courses that the student completed in the term along with the score received on the final exam. Letter grades are not given. This regular update allows parents to monitor their child’s progress through their courses.
Parental participation and backup of the program is essential to a student’s success, and hence it is vital that the parent understand their child’s progress and the school’s expectations fully.
What age students do you accept?
Our youngest class serves children who are three years old and out of diapers. The oldest students at our school are in the equivalent of eighth grade.
What are your hours?
School starts at 8:30 AM and goes until 3:45 PM. A before- and after-school program is available from 7:30 AM until 6:00 PM.
From 4:20 to 6:00 PM, students attend study hall where teachers are available to help with homework as needed. Children can play after they finish their work. Various after-school classes are offered for students who are interested.
What is your yearly calendar?
The school year begins in mid-August and goes to the end of May. The detailed calendar can be found under the Parents/Calendar section of this web site.
Do you offer childcare during school breaks?
Childcare is offered during most school breaks other than major national holidays. During the summers, students have the option of continuing with their learning while also engaging in a huge variety of fun activities and outings. This makes Oak Crest Private School a year-round solution for working parents.
How can I see the school?
Please call the school at 214-483-5400 to schedule a tour.
How does the school determine who qualifies for admission?
Students applying to our school spend a free trial day attending classes. This is scheduled on an individual basis with the family, teacher and the administration. Younger children get to experience the fun and learning that are characteristic of our preschool. Older students get to see what our school is like and also will complete academic tests during their trial day to see if they would be a good fit for our program.
What kind of student does well at Oak Crest Private School?
Bright students have a unique opportunity to excel with the individualized curriculum taught at Oak Crest Private School. They have the potential of learning far more than they would in other settings where they might be held back by slower members of their class.
However, it is not uncommon that an otherwise smart child has run into difficulty in one or more subject areas in school and now has lost his or her enthusiasm for learning. At this school we have the tools to help such a child regain lost ground and become a happy student again. Whether such a child can be admitted to the school depends on several factors including how far behind the child has gotten. This would be evaluated as a part of the admissions process.
Is Oak Crest Private School affiliated with any particular religion?
Oak Crest Private School is not affiliated with any particular religion. We are open to qualified students of all religious and ethnic backgrounds and value our diversity.
Can children not enrolled for the school year sign up for Oak Crest Summer Camp?
Absolutely! During the summer the school offers a summer camp which is a combination of academics and fun. This can be a great time for a child not regularly enrolled at Oak Crest to try out the school. See the summer camp section of this web site for more details.
Do you serve lunch?
Students bring their own food four days a week but have the option of ordering food on Fridays. Food is provided through various area restaurants. The school always offers a pork-free option and has a vegetarian option on Fridays whenever possible.
Microwave ovens are available in the lunchroom for students to use for heating up their food. Teachers are available to help younger children if they need it.
Where is the school located?
The school is near the George Bush Tollway and 35E:
1200 E. Jackson Rd. Building 2, Carrollton, Texas 75006.
Going north on 35E, turn right on Sandy Lake/Whitlock and drive for a 1/2 mile.
Then turn left to go north on Old Denton Rd. Go about 0.4 miles. Turn right on E. Jackson. The school is about 1/3 mile down on the right. Turn in at the flagpole.
There are two buildings on the property: The front building is a daycare not affiliated with Oak Crest. Follow the driveway around to the back building. You have arrived!
How can I get more information about the school?
The best way to get more information is to call the school at (214) 483-5400 and schedule a visit of the school.
What happens to students after they have completed their years at Oak Crest Private School?
Students at Oak Crest Private School are taught highly effective learning methods that serve them well as they continue on their educational paths. Oak Crest Private School students have passed the admissions tests and have been accepted at various highly regarded private schools (such as the Episcopal School of Dallas, the Bishop Lynch School, Mary Immaculate School, Good Shepherd School, the Delphian School and more) as well as going on to do well in different public schools (such as Lewisville ISD, Coppell ISD, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD, New Tech High in Coppell, and Plano ISD).
Some of our former students have skipped grades after leaving Oak Crest Private School, so that their new school would be more in line with what they already knew.
Former students who are past high school are now in colleges and universities studying to become doctors, civil engineers, writers, economists, chiropractors and artists. Students are encouraged to develop and pursue their dreams and we are happy to see them do just that!
Does Oak Crest Private School provide character education?
We use The Way to Happiness book to teach common sense moral values to our students. It was written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1981 as a nonreligious work. It has been used in schools, businesses, by police officers, military personnel and by other professionals around the world. In fact, over 85 million books have been distributed in 94 different languages. The book contains concepts like:
- Honor and help your parents
- Set a good example
- Do not tell harmful lies
- Respect the religious beliefs of others
- Do not take harmful drugs, and
- Do not steal.
These rules are used as a basis for character education with the children. A copy of this booklet is available to anyone who requests it, and all parents get a copy. When students understand that they feel better about themselves when they have nothing to hide, it becomes natural to follow such rules.