The Arts

Art Techniques & Mediums

The school’s art class has the dual purpose of teaching the joy of creating art as well as the appreciation of well-known artists. Each month, we feature a different artist. Students learn about him or her and frequently do art projects inspired by the type of work that this artist did. At other times, art classes focus on different media (water colors, oil pastels, chalks, and so forth) or techniques such as perspective, shading or blending colors.

Music & Performances

Music like-wise has a two-pronged approach with some time spent in listening and learning about music, and the remainder spent stressing the fun of singing as a group. Students have the opportunity to perform several times each year. For students who would like to be the star, there is often the opportunity to perform a solo.

What is performed varies. Students have performed dances from different time periods and from around the world. They have played on the recorder, sang beautiful choral music of many different types and performed full-length musical plays.

Summer Camp

Academics and fun!

During the summer months, Oak Crest Private School is a whirlwind of activities that combine academics and fun where children can have lots of new experiences.

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