Oak Crest Private School does not use traditional grade levels where children are advanced based on a school year and their age.
Instead, students must acquire a mastery of certain skills which are grouped into “Forms.”
In order to graduate from a particular Form, a student must master the material within each subject of the level.
A student does not then “pass” a grade knowing only 60% of the subject. They “pass” when they know the subject 100% and can use the information.
Wouldn’t you prefer a doctor or surgeon who understood more than 60 or 70% of what he studied to get a pass? OR your financial advisor? Even your electrician!
Forms vary in length, but generally take between 15 and 18 months.
Each student has an individual written program that guides him or her through the form. As soon as the student has attained the knowledge and skills required, he or she moves up to the next higher form.
This can happen at any point during the school year and is solely determined by the student’s ability to meet the academic standard for the level. It is not limited by his or her age.
If a student knows the material, he moves on. Fast students are not held back. Slower students have the time to “get it” and become faster students.
Below is a table that indicates ideal age ranges and rough grade level equivalents for the forms as used at Oak Crest Private School.
Form | Age in Years:Months | Grade Level |
Early Beginners | 3:0 - 4:6 | Pre-K / Kindergarten |
Beginners 1 | 4:0 - 6:1 | Kindergarten |
Beginners 2 | 4:7 - 7:1 | First Grade |
Form 1 | 5:7 - 8:3 | Second Grade |
Form 2 | 6:9 - 9:6 | Third Grade |
Form 3 | 8:0 - 10:11 | Fourth Grade |
Form 4 | 9:7 - 12:7 | Fifth and Sixth Grade |
Form 5 | 11:3 - 14:6 | Seventh and Eighth Grade |